• 061 247 238
  • Mon - fri: 7:30am - 16:30pm

National Vocational Certificate in Horticulture and Crop Production (NQF Level 2)

Farming is not just a job, it’s a way of life.
- Anonymous


A candidate who wishes to enroll for the National Vocational Certificate in Horticulture and Crop Production (NQF Level 2) should comply with the following criteria:

  • Grade 10 (Phased-out Curricula)
  • 20 points in 6 subjects, with F or better symbol in English and Mathematics.

  • OR

  • Grade 11 (Revised Curricula) or Grade 12 (Phased-out Curricula)
  • 18 points in 6 subjects, with F or better symbol in English.
  • Should have Agriculture or Biology or Geography.

Head of School